Spanish food and drinks vocabulary my daily spanish. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable pdf that you can take anywhere. Spanish to english food everyday common words spanish to english. Spanish vocabulary food english vocabulary, vocabulary, spanish. May 1, 2017 spanish food vocabulary activities including picture cards, i spy, complete the sentence and more.
Pdf vocabulary worksheets esl worksheets englishclub. Here you can find italian vocabulary lists by topics. This worksheet will make use of the vocabulary we presented in another worksheet on common pastimes in spanis h to make meaningful sentences about likes and dislikes in spanish. Quick, easy practice for lowerlevel spanish classes. Practical downloadable worksheets in pdf format for vocabulary practice. Free printable activities to use at home or school. This is a unique food vocabulary product with handouts as well as unique online activities. Have fun teaching your students 36 different foods with the traditional bingo game as well as online jeopardy.
Spanish food vocabulary printable activities spanish playground. Students label pictures with the correct vocabulary word. Just download the pdf sheet and practices with our quizzes. Symbols other than those below are from the noun project collection. Here is our ultimate list of spanish food and cooking words, to help you do your shopping, read a spanish recipe or just for studying vocabulary. Unjumble, word, unjumble the spanish words and then chose the correct category, 3. Dec 18, 2015 menu in spanish for practicing restaurant vocabulary. The basic spanish food vocabulary in these printables will give language learners the words they need. Strategies infographic resource guide download pdf delivered via email. Food categories, word, worksheet to categorise food and spot the odd. Plus get a free downloadable pdf for spanish food and drinks.
Cut, color, and fold to make a set of spanish food vocabulary cards. A handy list of spanish words and phrases related to food and drinks. All the core vocab relating to the topic of food and drinks. Select from the following list of food categories to view the spanish vocabulary for all kinds of common and not so common foods and drinks.
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